The Process



Depending on the type of project you are considering undertaking, an appointment will be made with you and the designer at our office or on site.

At the first site meeting the , site measurements, determine if a survey will be required, take photographs and discuss with you in detail what your requirements are for your design/alteration.

From here, a Contract Document will be prepared based on the information you have provided, and will be forwarded to you within 7 days of the appointment for you to review and accept.

Concept & Developed Design…

Based on the Client Brief and local council requirements, we will start the design process with a basic outline of design as discussed in the initial consultation to provide a concept design that will suite your expectations and reflect the unique nature of the site, surrounding views and local weather patterns.

The initial concept drawings will consist of Site Plan, Floor Plan, and 3d Perspectives, then we will progressively fill in the detail with you at the next consultation. At this stage revisions and changes are possible. J.A.Design & Drafting provide 2 separate design developments to the plans within the scope of the Client Brief.

When a reasonable concept is arrived at, you will have received a set of floor plans, external perspectives, some internal perspective, basic roof plan and section.


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Preliminary Building Application Plans

Once the concept & developed plans have been modified and an overall design solution reached, the drawings will then be increased to indicate finishes, building materials and so forth  (Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations, Section and 3D Perspectives). 
*** It is strongly recommended that you obtain preliminary quotes (fee estimates) for the project before proceeding to Working Drawings***

At this point if you have selected a builder/plumber/engineer/etc we are happy to consult with them regarding the design and construction method of your project.

DA Plans

If a DA is necessary all the required documents will be provided. These will consist of: Site Plan, Floor Plan, Elevations, and Section.

The plans will have information relevant to Characteristics, Height, Finishes, Bushfire etc….

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Final Building Application Plans …

Building Application drawings will be finalised, consisting of:
Site plan and specifications
Existing and Proposed Floor Plans
Proposed Elevations
Proposed Sections and Details

Kitchen Layout and Elevations

Bathroom / Laundry Layout and Elevations
Bracing plans and Schedules (if required)
Tie Down Schedule and details (if required)

Added to the above documentation are the Structural and/or Surveyor Drawings, as well as any relevant documentation that may be required, produced by respective consultants, examples:

Slab and Footing Layout and Details
Survey Detail/Plan
Energy Efficiency Elevations
Bush Fire Report

***Once you have received a full set of BA Plans, we recommend contacting and finalising any quotes previously obtained***